Sunday, February 25, 2007


I couldn't have said it as good myself

Go read his post about technology and society.
Ryan is a you guy (16) who is in our powerlifting club here in Kitchener. He's way smarter than most adults I know.

Friday, February 16, 2007


I'm doing it

I was just reading a post on my friend Dan-o's blog about how people work in jobs to make enough money to do what they really want to do. I think he made a great case.

The reason I am making this post is because I have to share with you dear readers something that another full fledged member of the boys boys and all around non-generic guy Neils Mo said one time. Neil and I were discussing how we have both been in school for much longer than most people on PEI expect a person to be. From time to time we have both been questioned by lesser informed people about why we're on the path we're on. Neil hit the nail right on the head with some timeless wisdom I'ld like to share with you all:

"They always ask me 'so what are you going to do with your life when you're done?' so I respond - what do you mean? This is my life. I'm doing it right now"

/getting changed my ass!


Best Movie I've seen in a long time

I knew I was in for a great relaxing weekend this afternoon at about 3:30. We just finished a car team task and I returned to my office and had a snack when I felt myself mentally unhook for a minute. I decided to take the rest of the weekend until monday morning and just dick around.

Tonight we kicked off by going to the movies, me and my room mate Tim and our neighbor Keisha. Keisha's from Barbedoes so she's freezing cold 100% of the time.

We went to see "Bridge to Tarabithia" and it was hands down the best movie I've seen in ages. An excellant Disney film about the imagination of children. I suggest you go see it, right now!

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Lunch in a Jiffy

This semester I've made some daily schedule changes. I decided to stop working "from home" and spend about 9-4 on campus working either in my new office or at the biblioteque. This also affords me the opportunity to be closer to the UWAFT garage so I can stop in and lend a hand when possible.

One thing about being gone that long is that I'm going to HAVE to eat. I'm not like a lot of weirdos my age who can just drink a coffee at 9 am, eat a bag of chips at 6:30 and hop into bed and call it a day. I demand good meals around the clock.

My new pattern is to cook enough food on Sunday evening to provide supper that night plus lunch monday through friday. Since the Christmas break my weekly menu has consisted of:

-Bone in Chicken Breasts with Bread and Butter as a side with a piece of fruit
-An interesting concoction best described as spaghetti with meat sauce except replace the noodles with rice
- Roast Beef with Potatoes, carrots and turnup (a real crowd pleaser for people like myself who frown on alternative eating styles)
-Boneless Chicken Breasts and rice with a side salad
- Spaghetti and meat sauce with a side dish of crunchy veggies

I find this strategy prevents me from falling into the typical student pattern of going over to the plaza for lunch at a pizza or pita place or eating on campus. UW has on campus dining in damb near every building (chinese food in the computer science building makes me laugh my ass off) and I've heard the one in south campus hall is actually great so I may try it one day soon. I've also enjoyed a lovely bowl of beef and vegetable soup at the grad house in september, and it was amazing and cheap. I can't figure out why I never went back.

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