Friday, February 16, 2007


Best Movie I've seen in a long time

I knew I was in for a great relaxing weekend this afternoon at about 3:30. We just finished a car team task and I returned to my office and had a snack when I felt myself mentally unhook for a minute. I decided to take the rest of the weekend until monday morning and just dick around.

Tonight we kicked off by going to the movies, me and my room mate Tim and our neighbor Keisha. Keisha's from Barbedoes so she's freezing cold 100% of the time.

We went to see "Bridge to Tarabithia" and it was hands down the best movie I've seen in ages. An excellant Disney film about the imagination of children. I suggest you go see it, right now!

What the hell? Bridge to Tarabithia? Are you joking? No really. Are you joking? Were all of the grown-up movies on too late? And how did you convince other people to join you? Are they Teddy Ruxbin aficionados as well?

If you're gonna go see a movie, make it "The Last King of Scotland" or "Pan's Labyrinth." Can't go wrong, I say.

/moo, I say
Wow. I can't believe how out of touch I am. I haven't heard of any of these movies.

/The last movie I saw was Honey I Blew Up The Kid.
My liking this movie is another example of how I don't follow trends. I also thought the matrix sucked
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