Saturday, September 24, 2005


And this is my woodpile after Posted by Picasa


This is my woodpile before Posted by Picasa


The Yellow Eyed Monster Roamed the cottage, unaware that he was being followed. Actually he's usually not aware of that much stuff.  Posted by Picasa


Look at the size of this guy's arms. I wouldn't screw with him.  Posted by Picasa


This is my cousin Adam at his 3rd birthday party. That's me on his shoulders.  Posted by Picasa


September 24, ALREADY

Well this was quite a week. I had one of those "Poor Sam. Poor poor Sam" moments. I was helping my friend Joel May move his furniture wednesday (the day before my trip to my beloved UPEI) when i started having a runny nose and a fever. So here I was getting sick, moving furniture at 10 at night, and I didn't have my supper yet. Poor Sam.

Thursday was much better. Went to UPEI with the Associate Dean and one of his office mates and a professor of electrical engineering. Had a great time, made some positive contact with Dr. Andy Trivett. So far things for my master plan next year look decent. Not a sure thing yet, but decent.

So Monday I did a little pretend Powerlifting Meet at the gym. It went friggin' unbelievably good. I would say the chances are that my next competition (date unknown) I will definately have a higher total than I did in May. In may my numbers were 340 squat 315 bench (tried 325 and nearly got decapitated) and 390 deadlift. Monday I threw up 385 squat, 350 bench and 415 deady (tried 425 and got it like 4 inches of the floor and stalled dead in my tracks).

I've been thinking lately. As everyone graduates and "starts life" they find a job and let it tell them where to live. Why not decide where you'll live and take the best job available there?

Favorite TV shows as of lately: Sex and the City, 7th Heaven, Trailer Park Boys. That's a weird mix of shit.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


PEI Bound?

I stumbled in to a chance to go back to UPEI with the dean's office from UNB to recruit UPEI engineering grads to become Head Hall residents. If all goes as planned we're going next week on Thursday. Should be a good chance to talk to Andrew Trivett to try and further my adgenda with him on graduate studies and an application for a scholarship. It's a quick day trip and the dean is providing transportation in his minivan so I probably won't even get to say hi to my folks but I'ld still love to see the UPEI engineering gang.

School looks good, I think I'll survive.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


My last year of my undergrad!

Tomorrow I start my class for my last year of my undergrad! Yeehaw! My official position is that I'm mighty sick of this but I can enjoy this year for sure - the outside of school parts and even school will be okay. I'll be crossing my fingers for a certain grad scholarship. I DO have a plan I want to do next year but I don't wanna explain it all here. I think many of you know about it.

This semester I have 16 credit hours. Should be no problem. I'm in my Senior Design Proposal (hahaha I will NOT do something fluids related) and Solid Mechanics, Thermo II with it's lab, Ethics, and principals of metal cutting.

Well I really wanna get out for a bike ride - it is beautiful outside tonight and I don't want to waste it.

Oh, p.s. I'm now sharing 1108 woodstock road with Liam and Amorette and things are going great!

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