Saturday, September 30, 2006


The results are in...

When I bought my new gym membership at Popeye's I got a free fitness evaulation. Some of the results were obvious and some were surprising!!!

-They test upper body strength on one particular machine. I maxed out the machine. With Ease.

-In the flexibility tests I was extra flexible in a few positions and way way way below average in a few others (good in the ones relating to powerlifting, wicked bad at anything where you rotate the trunk of your body sideways) Somewhat related to this some of the exercises showed that relative to my legs and upper body my trunk is my weakest link, by a long shot. If I can work on this it should make me be able to squat and deadlift bigger weights.

-I have an ideal resting heart rate

-I walk with my feet (and hand) rotated away from the direction I'm walking. This is common in heavier people.

-I did a cardio test that relates heart rate responce to work load and I scored 3 levels ABOVE average for heart/lung work. I had hoped to be average (at best!) The test scale had 5 levels above and below average.

-I scored a chubbsie 22% in the bodyfat analysis. I'ld like to see that number come down a little although the personal trainer giving the test insisted he'ld consider me a "healthy" individual. The bodyfat machine measures your electrical resistance and this test also showed that, aside from being hefty, I was also slightly dehydrated if you consider the balance of salt to water in my body. This is probably from eating too many salty foods.

Overall I was pleased with my test and very happy that my blood pressure was within the normal range because that's something I have had higher measures of in the past. At first I thought a fitness evaluation would be embarassing and useless but I actually enjoyed it.

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