Saturday, April 01, 2006


A lazy Saturday

Hey all. This morning I woke up and didn't feel like doing any work so I went for a walk outside. I ended up walking to Odell Park and then going on the walking trails through the woods all the way to the top of the hill, almost to prospet street. They have some really nice nature trails through the woods. Something worth seeing before you leave Fredericton IMHO. It reminded me of hiking through the woods at Riverdale when we were in Scouts.

Last night I had a great little meal over across the bridge at a place called cannon cross. It's a restaurant under the same ownership as the Snooty Fox and it was much the same idea. I had this HUGE hamburger with fries and it was only 6.95. I highly recommend it for big burger fans. And their pop is free refills which is nice because it washes the salty fries down so good.

Iron Ring in about 49 hours. I was reading about it on the internet this morning and I was just thinking how us UPEI people it probably means more to us than to some of the people from UNB because it's been talked up for us a lot more.

I hadn't really thought about it, but you're right, no one really says a whole lot about iron ring here at UNB. It's too bad really...
Yet another reason to go to Dal... if you like iron ring being talked up alot, that is. Then again, any ceremony taking place in a gymnasium with all of the lights on probably doesn't deserve to be talked up that much... unless there are specials on pitchers of Rum & Coke at the T-Room.

/'nuf said
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