Saturday, March 18, 2006


Not sure if this is funny, scarey, sad, or disgusting

I thought some of you might get a chuckle out of this. This is a list of what a guy named Dave Tate eats in the run of the average day. He's a semi-professional powerlifter from the USA. He weighs about 300 pounds and is fat but not crazy fat. Maybe about the same body composition of me, but he's probably a tiny bit fatter. I found this on a website I read sometimes and thought it warrented a copy and paste.

5:00 AM: Wake Up
Ate 4 Pop-Tarts and drank three cups coffee

5:00-7:00 AM: Work
Answered emails and worked on the EliteFTS site

7:10 AM: Pre-Workout Meal
McDonalds #5 with 2 apple pies and 1 large coffee

7:30-8:30 AM: Train
First 20 minutes was dynamic warm-up and mobility work with very aggressive stretching. I then did some sledgehammer and arm work. I drank the coffee during the session.

8:30 AM: Post-Workout Drink (2 Ultra Fuels!!!)

8:30-12:00 PM: Working at the Gym
I spent this time preparing the weightroom for a photo shoot, answering emails, and reviewing business indicators for the week.

1:00 PM: Went Home
On the way home to take care of my sick son for the afternoon, I ate a Burger King chicken sandwich meal with extra mayo. I hate chicken breasts and only eat the breaded stuff. I also ate onion rings and a Snickers pie. I drank Dr. Pepper along with my meal.

1:00-5:00 PM: Worked on a Presentation and Napped
During this time, I knocked out 6 mini-Snickers (no idea where they came from, but they were on the kitchen counter and in my book that makes them fair game). I also ate 5 lunch size bags of chips. We buy these so we don't eat so many at one time. Oops. I also had a few packs of Disney fruit snacks (we get them for the kids but I eat most of them).

5:00-6:00 PM: Make Dinner for the Kids
All hell breaks loose as we try to make dinner for the kids. With one sick and the other one ornery as hell, it was not good times. I forgot to eat until they were done and then I was hungry as hell. I popped 4 hot dogs in the microwave and ate them on 4 pieces of whole wheat bread with ketchup. I also had 3 lunch bags of chips and 3 glasses of sugar-free Tang.

7:00 PM: Put the Kids to Bed
Of course, I got hungry again. I fired up the oven and cooked up 6 giant cinnamon roles with icing. Yes, I ate all of them with a huge glass of milk.

9:00-11:00 PM: Emails and Work on Seminar
During this time I ate 4 Pop-Tarts and drank a big glass of milk
In the end, today was a good eating day. I have no idea what tomorrow will be like. However, tomorrow is squat day. We train at 9:00 and I'd like to go to Bob Evans restaurant beforehand to load up.

Oh. My. God. Dave ate around 10,500 calories today with around 450g of fat (38%), around 1450g of carbs (54%), and around 190g of protein (7%).

I laughed my ass off when I read this. I remember when me and Chris Milligan used to amuse ourselves in the summer of 2001 with the following similar schedule:

1) Work out at Summerside Atlantic Fitness Centre. Follow a generally well laid out training program but handle way more weight than we were capable of safely doing and with not nearly enough rest days scheduled in to take a break from the gym. Spread gym chalk all over walls, floor, equipment, and other members of gym. Make way more noise than actually required. Hang around gym for twenty minutes after workout complaining about other members who say we're too loud of too messy. Possibly corner members we don't like and explain how we know what we're doing but they haven't made ANY progress with their goals in the last year.

2) Proceed directly to Subway/Wendy's/Mcdonald's/Burger King for a meal which has no nutritional value whatsoever but that we've convinced ourselves somehow gets us closer to our goals because it has calories in it.

3) Drive around summerside for an hour and a half or drive to cavendish and have Chris attempt altercation with Boardwalk security staff. They would normally ignore him or find some excuse to leave him alone. I think he could've took 'em.

4) Go eat at KFC because that's what we really wanted in the first place.

5) Go home to sleep so the whole rediculous ritual could be repeated the next night. Spend vast amounts of time marveling at selves in mirror and being wowed at how fat we're getting (but mistake fat for muscle gains).

Writing this has given me a good idea - I think I shall pst something on the matter of Bigerexia. Eating disorders aren't just for girls anymore.

Hehe, I thoroughly enjoyed that, and wholeheartedly agree with your final statement. I miss the body I had in 2001, it was stronger, healthier and more able to keep up with me. Now I feel old and lazy without a training plan. I wonder how people who really are old and lazy feel?

What else? Would karma have it any other way?
I'd like to know the actual physical volume of this guys daily diet, as I am betting it's a feat on its own.

/well, if it isn't the leader of the weiner patrol, boning up on his nerd lesson

//that sounds wrong
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