Sunday, January 29, 2006


TAG! Right in the coin purse!

Jeff "tagged" me so now i have to do this 4's post.

4 Jobs you've had

1. Most recent. Worked at UNB for Dr. Holloway. Didn't do much of anything and didn't like it. This summer made me sad. All it did was serve to talk me out of doing my masters here after I graduate. And they were going to pay me a lot so I must've really disliked it.

2. Wiebel Aerospace. Good job. Engineering job in Summerside. Had a lot of fun that summer and a fabulous one week vacation with noteworthy friend Jamie Lambkin. Given the opportunity you should all see the play Anne of Green Gables.

3. Two summers at UPEI of working for Dr. Dahn in the physics department. I loved that guy and look up to him as a scientist (among other things). He's an example of a guy with a PHD who's still real world smart. He fixes his own car if it breaks down. And who could forget countless good laughs had working with Sheila. Hell of a nice girl.

4. Castle Building Centre. Had more fun the first summer than the second. By the second year I'ld developed this bad attitude about not doing the "crappy jobs". I deserved my ass kicked. I loved driving their trucks and forklifts.

4 Movies i could watch over and over again.

1. Pirates of the Caribean. I bought that DVD. I love how spaced out Jack Sparrow is. My surprise of the movie was that he and Elizabeth never knocked boots. You could tell by the way she was walking she just wanted the $%&^

2. Lord of the Rings. Any one. You've gotta feel happy for Samwise when he comes home from all that bullshit and he gets to marry that girl with the big knockers. You know he likes squeezin' them. Also one scene I love but can't put my finger on why: - Frodo complains about the ring having come to him and all the hardships it's brought and he wishes it would never have happened and Gandalph is just like Well, do you think anyone in your place would be happy?

3.National Treasure. I really enjoy the whole treasure hunt theme and how in the end the bad guys are foiled by their lack of knowledge - they didn't know wether the British had came by land or by sea. But then again neither do I.

4. Oceans 11. So well planned out and in the end you don't know their final plan until it's already over.

Four place I've lived

1. 171 Spring Street, Summerside. Lived here for like 15 years. Great Neighborhood. This is where I met the Schaefers. First Rebecca and then Daniel. I remember thinking "Wow, that little boys head is huge." It wouldn't have been a proper childhood without you shaef. And your tree house plan stealing scheme. Less of a scheme, you just came over and took measurements.

2. 8G Brown's Court. With Neil and Derrick. All other room mates functioned sketchily. That's all I'll say besides sometimes living with your best friend will make you do less things together.

3. 440 Needham street. to Quote Liam - "It smells like the neighbors took a dump in a pop and put it on the stove." I punched a hole in the wall when I came home from my Systems exam. They never took money off the damage deposit though for some reason.

4. 1108 Woodstock road. Great times. A good relief from the abovementioned. I do believe my buddy Liam's lovely young bride Amorette gets the vote as the room mate who had the all time best influence on making me stop working and go do fun things.

4 TV shows you'ld be happy to watch instead of all other TV from now on:

1. Seventh Heaven. I just like it, okay!

2. Trailer Park Boys. Gotta keep things in the maritimes. Those big hairy monsters are real Neil.

3. Dawson's Creek. Just started watching this one over the Christmas break while frantically searching for a release from the stress of the past semester. I hated Pacey at first but now I love him especially since he got that old man teacher who was picking on Jack fired. Why don't Dawson and Joey just get together and stay together? It's almost painful to watch.

4. Sex and the City. Amorette would be proud of me for putting this here. The hottest ones are when Charlotte is baby crazy and really wants to get knocked up. That's real animal instinct right there.

4 Places you've been on vacation

1. Toronto - Saw my first NHL hockey game with kick ass seats - right on the glass right beside the bench, courtesy of my Uncle Sam and Aunt Yvonne.

2. Sunday River Maine - Remember when I got lost on the last run of the week boys boys? I was an awkward little kid.

3. Halifax. Last year going down for March break with Dan and Neil was kick ass - just a real good time with good friends. Also going down this summer to escape my job felt amazing. Boy was I glad to see you guys.

4. Ottawa with Ryan England. I still have a picture of he and I in front of the Parilment building.

4 Blogs you visit daily

1. Neil (he posts often)

2. Doug (almost never posts but when he does it's worth it)

3. Lex (I feel her blog has done the most to getting me to know the blogger better)

4. Hemivisions (Dan) but only on Thursdays. A well written blog. Blair Arsenault would be proud.

4 Reasons you'll finish this rediculous thing later

1. I just drank a large protien shake and a bowl of milk (from my Cheerios) and I need to pee

2. I have to get ready to go to Church at STU

3. I'm bored of typing

4. Because you smell an awful lot like flowers

you met me first? I don't remember that.
It was a fine spring day and you and I along with Julie and Susan were playing with dinky cars on my deck. I think I had known you girls all for a little while already, a few weeks maybe. Your mom brought dan over and asked if he could play too. We've been friends ever since except for a regratable little spat that started in grade seven when he kicked the crap out of me on the last day of school.
Yeah, I'm here to pick up some sand-mix. There was also that spat involving the "Le Clune Samuel" song that you really hated.

/dirty old Needham street
You, Dilly, Jared Voye...jeez don't mess with Dan, he keeps it real.
Save Dilly, Dan seems to like beating up heavy-set, mouthy jerks. Did you ever kick the snot out of John Jelley?
ah pirates of carribean is one of my favs

july next part!!!!!!!!!


yeah jack sparrow had awesome makeup... he looks better like that then without it
Snoopy? Who the heck is that?
Don't you know what sand mix is? You must know 'cause you work here.

/so then I said "kiss my asphalt!"
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