Monday, January 23, 2006


A link to remember

I'ld been saving this for a while but today feels like a good time to release it to you all:

That's the link to the websites we made for Modern Physics in second year. I don't know if you've all lost track of them or not. I thought you might enjoy thumbing through them.

I remember John helping me with mine the night before we left to go to Acadia for a random visit. I got it all finished then accidentally deleted all my images and had to go back to the computer lab to find them again. I was literally running across campus. I also was coming down with a cold and running a fever. I actually had one of those moments where I could look at myself and feel genuine pitty. I recall I was also out of milk, a serious staple of my diet and part of any good breakfast, and I was debating wether to have a can of tuna for my breakfast protien or if I should suck it up and walk to the irving on university avenue to buy some.

Anyhow, when it finally came time to put the pages online and let the prof, Dr. Lawther, see them for the first time I recall John and Neil changed all the pictures in my site to pictures of UPEI professors taken from their websites. They changed Milikan's picture to Ken Sulstan's and changed the caption "Meet Mr. Milikan" to "Meet Mr. Milkman" Chris Vessy also earned himself a spot on my page. I forget who else did but probably Rabin Bissesseaur. The professor just sent me a note saying "I like your site but fix what the "gremlins" did to it."

HAHAHAHA! That's hilarious! I completely forgot about them doing that. Jeez, it's times like these that make me actually regret going to Acadia instead of UPEI. Good times.

/this "slash talk" ain't gonna stop anytime soon. ugly. I try to forget that's there. It's one piece of landfill leftover that I can't clean up.
This is hilarious. I completely forgot about these. Take a look at Jeremy Moar's page and take note of the spelling mistakes. I can't believe someones paying that guy to work in Mongolia.
My shitty wall at that.

I had no idea this post would be such a crowd pleaser. Four comments in the first eight hours. Wow.
Yeah, and usually I'm one of the first to comment. Here's an interesting addition to your post.

John and I had it all planned out in that we had pictures to replace all of yours. After we entered them all, I started having second thoughts. I knew that neither you or I were comfortable with webpages at the time, and I knew it would be a pain for you. The only thing we had to do was publish it. I said "John, do you think that maybe we should not..." but before I could finish, John had pushed the button. Oh well.

I remember those presentations because it marked my first good oral presentation. Up to that point, I'd been good, but not plaque good.
Mongolia? That's friggin' hilarious.
He had to get like 500$ worth of vacinations to go there he told me.
well at least now he is free-point-free free free
That's gemosfree, not Mongolia, Brandon.
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