Monday, January 16, 2006


I have free time!

Well, Dr. Kishaway is going to a conference in Europe so we don't have NC machines again until January 30th. Starting tonight after law at about 9:30 I'll be on my first of 3 consecutive 6 day weekends. hahahahaha. I rock.

I also found out we graduate on the 18th not the 17th of may engineers so keep that in mind when booking hotels.

6 day weekends? You bastard! Glad to hear that you'll be graduating in the merry month of May. Remember when we used to joke about Christmas graduates? Good times!

/aaaah! aaaah! argh! *tap**tap**tap**tap*
Are you tapping out Daniel? I can still make you do it even though you're 5 Mm away.
jeez, of all people in the world, I thought you would get that one right! I should've inserted "Kabal Wins" after the *tap*'s signifying the loser's soul running away.

/me? tap out? never!
Hey Neil -
How's School Going?
(With a big frown on her face)
I was quite glad to see that. I fly into Ch'town on the 16th.
Oh yeah Daniel, well what about your lack of a comment on my "foggy" post? Ignoring that one is just as bad.

/Come here a minute!
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