Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Farewell Mr. Rioux

News from a small town always travels quickly. As was the case with the story that one of our high school teachers, Mr. Rioux, committed suicide. I always enjoyed talking about health and fitness with Mr. Rioux, he was in great shape, and Doug Keefe will attest to the fact that we share quiet the great male bonding experience with him one Saturday morning up on a roof top while helping Mr. MaCormack shingle his roof. Mr. Rioux's absence will be a painful one from many lives.

Events like this always make you take time to stop and think. I feel this is the perfect time to write what is as close a quote as I can remember from a magazine my mom said reminded her of me while i was home over the break. Alexa Kenny I'm looking at you as I say this because when I read it after awknowledging that it did describe me to a T you were the first person I thought of. Don't worry that's not an insult.

If I were in my early twenties I would walk barefoot through the cool grass on summer evenings. I would learn to throw a frisbee properly. I would travel to the far corners of the world so that they may come to know us and we may come to know them. I would not rush off to law school or graduate studies or scramble for the nearest employment agency. Because there are ALREADY enough frightened yuppies living in fancy gated communities driving suv's to work and wondering where their youth went. Life is too wonderful. Don't let it slip away.

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Scaefer just so you know I removed that comment. Please email me to find out why, it deals with someone who reads this blog on a regular basis.
Ooh, you got served Schaefer. Mr. Rioux warranted a post on my blog as well.

/My God you spell a lot of words wrong.
Sorry Sam, I guess I should've been more conscious of your readership and the respect they deserve. If you want to email your reasons for removing my comment, fine, if not, don't worry 'cause it's my bad.

Still though, I stand by my removed comments.

/I'm still sorry, though
Ha. Sam learning to throw a frisbee properly would take some effort.
Thanks Sam; I take that as a huge compliment.
Alexa will be a frightened yuppy regardless of the aforementioned... Won't you Lex? :p
When I first read that the, "go to hell" urge swept across my being, but I have since calmed. I may be a frightened yuppy, but I'll like being a frightened yuppy damnit!
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