Sunday, December 11, 2005


A very disgruntled blog

I'm posting this in support of Alexa who recently had the courage to post something about how she feels on her blog that you can read at I think what she's feeling is pretty representative and that if people knew what was really in the minds of engineering students we'ld all be in the phyc ward.

This poem sums up how I often feel - how I feel too often now. The source is going to remain annonomous, I doubt any of you will recognize it anyhow. Let me prequil it by saying the part at the end about friends coming and going is true - but only of certain friends and I promise it is NOT true of any of you who read this blog. You're timeless and will have special places in my heart forever. Without further ado this poem sums up how I feel about my life and how the gym is the only thing that balances me some days.


Life is capable of driving you out of your mind. The way it all comes down these days, it's some kind of miracle if you're not insane. People have become separated from their bodies. They are no longer whole. I see them move from their offices to their cars and on to their suburban homes. They stress out constantly, they lose sleep, they eat badly. And they behave badly. Their egos run wild; they become motivated by that which will eventually give them a massive stroke. They need the iron mind.

Through the years I have combined meditation, action, and the iron into a single strength. I believe that when the body is strong, the mind thinks strong thoughts. Time spent away from the iron makes my mind degenerate. I wallow in a thick depression. My body shuts down my mind. The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential it's impossible to turn back.

The iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a God or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the bitch black. I have found the iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundered pounds is always two hundred pounds.

'Nuff said.

Interesting point about the psych ward...perhaps I need to be more careful, we wouldn't want them to lock me up!
You feelin' all right, Sam?
Thanks for the concern scholar. I'm feeling just okay. Not terrible and not great. Going to try to jack myself back up to great soon though.

I wrote this when I was a little bummed out last night while studying for solids.

I really like what shaefer said on lexa's blog about turning frowns upside down - you have to stop blaming people, and especially stop blaming yourself.

p.s. to all who are interested Solids exam went great.
Blame really is the easy way out isn't it?

Damn you for solids going great...but I don't blame you, and I'm trying not to blame myself for not studying enough...

We still on for brunch tomorrow? Let me know the details...
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