Thursday, November 24, 2005

Officially 10 days of classes left. Yaaaaaaaaa Budddddddddy! Easy work!

Some deep though philosphical crud I've learned about me:

1. I love to challenge myself by trying to do things I don't know for sure I can do properly

2. I would NEVER admit #1 to anyone

3. I'm rarely ever satisfied with what I have. I always want more.

Also a shout out to Shaefer in Calgary. Yes I agree protien bars taste "acceptable" at best. it's the same for the dry protien mix. One concern with the bars is that they're loaded with sugar to make them taste better. They're basically a candy bar with some protien powder stuck in. However, if you can bear the taste and cost I feel they're an effictive post-workout snack to hold you over till the next meal. And I feel that You personally are not going to get fat no matter how much sugar you eat, within practical limits. But remember - whole food is always better than a supplement but a supplement is always better than a skipped meal.

P.S. I tried the squat suit again yesterday. Much better results this time. Took 405 lbs for a ride down to what my digital camera showed me was borderline depth (I would want it an inch or two deeper to be confidant it would be okay in a competition, but it's possible it was fine). There's no way that I could've lifted that much without the suit. It works for sure, I just need to be more familiar with it.

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