Tuesday, October 04, 2005
An Update I'm making because I feel I've been neglecting my blog
Hey guys! I'm going to be "over home there" this weekend from Friday night till Monday midday and hope to see you's guys over there but if you can't make it than that'll be the way she goes. Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't. It's the way she goes.
I got to go skeet shooting the other day with a friend from school, I'll keep details minimal incase what we did wasn't 100% legal, which I think it was. Let's just say the big ole' pump action 12 guage shotgun really makes you feel "in charge" of things.
Busy filling out "Form 200" and feeling pretty good about it. Not cocky, but pretty good. Things look well for plan "Flee Fredericton like everyone has leopracy" for the spring of 2006. Looking forward to moving all my stuff back home and starting a new chapter in the adventure.
Well gotta go worsh some dishes. Talk to you all later
I got to go skeet shooting the other day with a friend from school, I'll keep details minimal incase what we did wasn't 100% legal, which I think it was. Let's just say the big ole' pump action 12 guage shotgun really makes you feel "in charge" of things.
Busy filling out "Form 200" and feeling pretty good about it. Not cocky, but pretty good. Things look well for plan "Flee Fredericton like everyone has leopracy" for the spring of 2006. Looking forward to moving all my stuff back home and starting a new chapter in the adventure.
Well gotta go worsh some dishes. Talk to you all later