Friday, June 03, 2005

Well it's been a long time since I wrote one of these.

This has actually been a relatively busy week for me. On Tuesday night we had our final introduction clinic for new people playing Fredericton Ultimate. I decided I should really play, even though it's fifty bucks to join the league because without it there would be a high risk for me going a long time without coming out in public.

Wednesday night I went and seen the new Star Wars with Roger. It was by far my favorite of all the new star warses and I stayed awake for the whole thing. I think he went to the dark side too easily, and it moster sucks that he doesn't get to have his family since his wife died and they gave his kids away, but he's probably too interested in galactic domination to want to be a dad anyways.

So it's the weekend...... I'm relaxed about not coming into work (not that I work hard anyways) but I feel like my social agenda is a bit lacking. There's just not that many people around I know well, which makes it hard. Maybe I'll have to plan a trip to the H dot sometime soon.

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