Wednesday, May 18, 2005


It's 6 and I'm just done work now

Today we had our laser training at work with the guy from the company who made our laser. At first I was enjoying being free from my regular feeling of feeling like I should probably be doing something with my time, but then it was my turn to try tuning the optics of the laser. Wow it was frustrating! I felt like the guy from the laser company thought I was an idiot too so that didn't help me mood much, compounded by the fact that I started working at 4 and hadn't eaten since 1. (I think my blood sugar dive bombs at about the 2.5 - 3 hour mark). Tomorrow we continue laser training and now since I worked "late" tonight it means they owe me time in my screwed up little mind so I will leave a bit early on Friday to make it home to PEI at a decent time. It's weird, I've grown so accustomed to working short hours that when I actually do work and stay a full day I feel like they're cheating me. Cheaty McCheatertons.

I'm eating some oatmeal, a glass of milk and a banana right now. After this settles in I'm going to UNB gym to attempt to achieve a proper stimulus for muscular hypertrophy and if nature will allow it muscular hyperplasia. Tonight at home I'm making tortillia's (you know, with hamberger in them) and I was going to wash the car but I guess it's kind of crappy out for that. I think I have some dishes to clean and put away too.

Monday night the Rog (Roger Gillis) invited me to hang out for a while and it was really great, after all my griping about not having any social life. I guess it's better than I thought.

sounds like you need to get a job with the gov't :P
Eating a glass of milk, eh?
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