Thursday, April 14, 2005


Thursday it is

Tomorrow is my first final exam at 7 at night. I don't understand why we do exams in the middle of the night, could just as easily have held it in the morning or afternoon, but I don't mind.

Today my to do list looks pretty straight forward with getting a start on Heat Transfer and polishing off Optimization. This week has felt slack to the max. I love it.

Planning on a trip home to PEI next week mostl likely on Tuesday. Don't want to speak too soon but I may be arriving in a no-longer-banged-up sunfire if all goes well with my bodywork appointment on Monday. Looking forward to having things straightened out for wash&wax season.

Feeling a trifle anxious about the powerlifting meet on May 7. I just want to get in there and get my first attempt in with some white lights. Since I'll assume people reading this don't care too much about powerlifting I shall explain it anyways. There are three events designed to test different major muscle groups in the body for maximum one rep strength. These events are the Squat (primarily Upper thighs) Bench Press (mostly chest and arms) and Deadlift (Legs are improtant but I'll be honest with you and admit it's a big pull on the lower back. Ya I know you're not supposed to lift with your back, but it's unavoidalbe). In each event competitors get three tries to lift as much as they can. Ideally your tries will increase in weight each time, you will request a first attempt you know darn well you can lift, a second attempt you think you probably can lift and then a third that it'ld be nice if you did lift but let's be honest you ain't budging this one. The only thing that worries me at all is that there are 3 judges watching you and each one rates your lift as pass (signified by them turning on a white light) or fail (red light), and your overall ruling on the lift is best two out of three (i.e. if two judges say it was not proper technique but one says it was, the two overrule the one and that attempt is disqualified. ) I've been reading the IPF rulebook a lot and I'm pretty sure my lifts should be fine, espescially since I'm going to request first attempts that I think I could actually do five repititions with. I've been looking at some results from past powerlifting meets and it turns out there are definately some 150 pound women around who are at least as strong as me and in many cases much stronger, but maybe no one will notice this since I'll be in the Junior age category since I'm still under 23. Oh well, I'm sure they will notice but it's not like there's anything I can do about it. I'm going to try to prove to myself that I actually can go in one of these meets and then after that s accomplished to try to compete against myself and what I think I can do.

Oh ya, check out the pictur of my brother from this weekend at the Atlantic Bodybuilding Championships in Moncton. It was a sweet weekend.

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