Wednesday, February 16, 2005


A weird mix of thoughts

Wow! I just fired off an Optimization Assignment, a Biomechanics assignment and the Electrical take home quiz. Also I got answered my question about our electrical lab write up and dropped off my registration form for the Quality Management online course. Productive afternoon! Tonight I might hit the old Heat Transfer assigment and see what I can do there. Also I could finish up the electrical lab and then my plate will be clean for the week.

I made a firm decision to go home this weekend. It's about time to see the Fam again according to my calculations. I shall leave Freddy Beach for PEI sometime around 3:30 I declare, and I should be home late evening just in time for a meal. I miss my dog probably as much as anything to tell you the truth. They're such loyal creatures. Dumb as a post and smells worse than anything, but undenyably loyal.

This morning I made some homemade whole weat oatmeal waffles but I accidentally put one half teaspoon of salt in the batter and there's not supposed to be any (hey - it was still dark out and I was still foggy headed so I thought the recipie said salt but it didn't). Worst home made waffles I ever tasted. Still better than Kellogs. Actually I think I read somewhere that that Mr. Kellogs guy used to molest kids. See, Michael Jackson's not all that original......

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