Friday, February 11, 2005


They Eat Fries and They Eat Cupcakes

Well well it's a beautiful snow day in Freddy Beach and we have no school until 2:30, courtesy of Mr. Snowstorm. Booya! I got up and made myself a batch of whole weat oatmeal waffles. I thought I mixed up enough batter for 2 good sized waffles but it ended up being 4 huge ones. Man am I full right now.

Yesterday I had the good fortune to be invited for a free lunch at UNB's cafeteria (thanks again George. For you that don't know I sometimes call my friend Brandon Mol George. There's no real reason but he seems to not mind so I'll continue) While there I was enjoying observing a simple fact about girls in first year university (and some in later years). Before I go on, I must say this is not meant to offend anyone out there ladies, and I realize I can't paint everyone with one brush but please allow me to make a gross generalization for illistrative purposes.

Girls in First year university eat two things (well, some of them eat three things but this is meant to be a general audience blog). They eat fries and they eat cupcakes. That's right. As you can imagine at this time of year five good months of this type of nutrition plan is starting to take it's toll. At first it actually makes them prettier - faces get rounder and more "cute" and hips and bottoms, well same goes for them. But alas, the better lookingness verse time of consuming only fries and cupcakes function starts to hit it's global maximum just about this time of year. The number of first year girl's chins is starting to outnumber the number of first year girls, and it's not hard to tell who's trying to wear the same pants they owned last year and who had to break down and ask for new jeans from Santa. Don't get me wrong, I'm not proposing that this ritual of moving away from home for the first time and eating nothing but fries and cupcakes is something we as a society need to stop doing, I think this is an integral part of "Growing up North American."

Well it's 8:26 in the am right now. My daily plans are to pick away at my Heat Transfer lab some more, maybe finish watching A View to a Kill with James Bond (ya, I fell asleep last night), bust out a max effort Squat day at Back to Basics and then limp my way into my Optimization and CAD lab this afternoon at 2:30 reeking of Adidas body spray and Strawberry protien powder. Working out seems to control me the way booze controls a wineow. But I could quit if I wanted to, I swear.

I've been wondering all day what the third thing is that first years eat... I'm not going comment on the generalisation though... :p Maybe I don't want to know...
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